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Welcome to FolderQuote!

FolderQuote is a folder quote administration program, both by maximum size per folder (or subfolders) and maximum size per file, as well as other filters (refuse extensions, scripts execution to check events, etc). FolderQuote works under all Windows versions (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows Server). FolderQuote works with any hard disc partition type.

FolderQuote has been developed by Flavio González Vázquez. You can find news about FolderQuote and other programs at Flavionet English Homesite at www.FLAVIONET.com/en. You can also get technical support for free by mail.

Some program screenshots.

Administration console

Status panel

Log panel

  You can also read the FolderQuote's User Manual to learn how to use the program (it's included with the download).  

Download the program right now!

Download FolderQuote English Version 388 KB
[Contains inside english usermanual and the following interface languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish]

Software, content and webdesign: © 2002 - 2005 by Flavio González Vázquez
Recommended screen resolution: 1024x768. Minimum screen resolution: 800x600.
Flavionet International: Español - English